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 Biography: Kei

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Nombre de messages : 179
Age : 35
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2008

Biography: Kei Empty
MessageSujet: Biography: Kei   Biography: Kei Icon_minitimeMar 13 Mai - 15:41

The groups which influenced Kei are groups such as X japan and LUNA SEA.

It is in 16 years when he(it) begins the guitar and crosses(spends) 19-year-old professional.

He(It) is even described he as somebody who is not limited(punctual) and Erina says about him that he is ' I foutiste me '. It seems for a lot of people as somebody of cold.

He likes the heavy metal and enjoys himself with Erina during the repetitions(rehearsals) has to make ' guitars battles '.

Kei played first of all in KRESS DIVERTED(WENT ASTRAY).

Continuation(Suite) has the separation of the group, he(it) had difficulty has to return has musician's life because he(it) did not find a member(limb) which corresponded has his(her,its) waits(expectations).

He(It) has a very personal look and which stays in the fur and has measure of the new exits(releases).
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Biography: Kei
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